Welcome to our news website section packed with current stories together with pictures. At KSL LTD we are continually working on new projects and hopefully this section will allow you an insight into the work completed together our company’s abilities.
We are also proud to currently sponsor a British superbike team and a local football club, for more information please see our stories section on this page.
Additionally the links below show a range of pictures illustrating our completed installations together with action shots of the British superbike.
For information how we can assist you please feel free to contact our Kent office on 01634 290999
Current Completed Projects
l London Hotel - KSL were selected as the specialist air-conditioning supplier to install the specified Mitsubishi Electric Air Conditioning Systems allowing the extended 5 year warranty to be offered due to our BSP status.
l Essex Coldroom - KSL won the tender to supply, install and commission a new coldroom in a new outlet in Southend.
l Planned Preventative Maintenance - KSL have recently won the PPM contract to undertake the planned preventative maintenance of a prestigious office building in Kent.
l Chiller Repairs - KSL recently undertook chiller repairs to an office building in Surrey.